Happy Halloween! The adorable little kids in costumes made me smile this evening.
Also, happy day before NanoWriMo. November is the month when writers challenge themselves to write a novel in one month. I don’t plan to take part this year, but have done so in the past. The best thing I learned from NanoWriMo was that when I made a writing project important to me, I could make the time needed to get the draft finished despite the holidays. If you’re a writer struggling to carve out time to write, this could be helpful. There is one that runs during June (CampNanoWriMo) if November isn’t possible.
Last week, I created the book cover for my Christmas collection. I love how it turned out. My stories are almost edited and I’m on target for the release of the collection next week. The stories are a mixture of friendships, romance, and nostalgia.
I also continued to write my third Rockton Treasure novel. It took a few surprising twists. I’m having fun with it.
My ghost short story collection hit a slight delay and will go out this week.
My second Rockton Treasure novel just returned from my copyeditor. Once I make the suggested adjustments and create the cover, it will be published. If you’d like to be notified of when it’s ready, please sign-up for my newsletter.
Thank you for your support. I hope you have a great week.
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