I can’t believe that it’s the middle of July. We’re settled into our new place and make frequent visits to Lake Superior. It’s so beautiful. I think that’s something I repeat to my husband nearly every time we drive somewhere.
The biggest surprise about living here is that it’s much cooler by the lake. There were a few days when the temps reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit at our house. When we went down to the lake, it was 50. The best part about the temperature difference is that tourists don’t stay long at the beach because they’re wearing summer clothes. That means we get the beach to ourselves, albeit a cold one.
Reestablishing a routine after a big move takes time and I’m finally getting my groove. I’m continuing to write my romance story. I expect the draft to be done by the end of the month.
My third novel in the Rockton Treasure Hunting series, Abandoned City, is almost up for sale everywhere. There were a few tech problems yesterday that caused the upload to fail. I’m optimistic that today the tech gremlins are busy elsewhere so that I can release it.
Watch for my announcement on my blog when it’s ready to buy. You can also subscribe to my newsletter.
I hope everyone is having an enjoyable summer by taking advantage of the sunny days when they arrive.
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