Category: Journal

  • What I’m Working on May 27

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    My husband and I moved to the Northshore of Minnesota. Most of the boxes are emptied, but I still have to hang artwork and find homes for items. I’m not a fan of cluttered areas, so the piles are bothering me. We’ve […]

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  • My Christmas Collection is Here!

    My Christmas Collection is Here!

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    I’m super excited to announce the arrival of my short story collection, Count on Christmas. Originally, I planned to release it with five stories, but had so much fun I wrote six. The collection contains contemporary stories, some with new friendships, a […]

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  • What I’m Working On: October 31

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    Happy Halloween! The adorable little kids in costumes made me smile this evening. Also, happy day before NanoWriMo. November is the month when writers challenge themselves to write a novel in one month. I don’t plan to take part this year, but […]

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