Category: building a writing career

  • Watching the Northern Lights

    Watching the Northern Lights

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    Last night at about 10:30pm, my husband and I went to Palisade Head along Lake Superior to watch the northern lights. My excitement levels felt as high as when I’m excited to give someone a gift or go on a vacation. I’ve […]

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  • Surfer Watching on Lake Superior

    Surfer Watching on Lake Superior

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    There was a southwesterly wind that passed through our area this week. I love when the storms pass through because the waves on Lake Superior grow very larger and look spectacular when they crash into the sides of some rocky islands. Big […]

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  • What I’m Working On – February 6, 2023

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    After so many days with below zero temps, this week feels like spring. I didn’t expect to adapt to the weather along the north shore so quickly, but I’m glad that twenty degrees Fahrenheit feels warm.  It’s a fairly quiet week for […]

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