Last week, I finished my last Christmas story for my holiday collection. I wrote five heart-warming short stories for the collection. I’m super excited to share them with you. Currently, all the stories are in my copyeditor’s hands. Hooray!
I had a blast writing the Christmas stories. It took me back to my tradition of writing daily Christmas short stories for my kids for about ten years. It ended when my daughter moved out. Those two were fun to write and I’m thinking about reviving the tradition to be a weekly story instead of daily. Writing daily short stories gets intense when juggling work and Christmas task.
My newest romance novel, Imperfect Love, is waiting review on all the booksellers’ websites.
This week, I’m writing my third novel in my Rockton Treasure series. I also plan to assemble my quirky ghost stories into a collection for Halloween.
I hope you have a great week.
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